
Scrap Like Marie-Pierre Capistran: Templates and Sketches

September 24, 2013

The "Scrap Like..." sketches and templates return!

It's been a while I know...and I've been eager to get going with this series again.  I'm excited to announce that from here on out the Scrap Like Templates and Sketches will also be available in 8.5 x 11 in addition to the 12 x 12 format. I've also been looking forward to sharing some inspiration from this particular scrapbooker with you all for quite some time--so without further ado...

Please let me introduce you to one of my favorite paper scrapbookers right now and also a good friend of mine, Marie-Pierre Capistran.  This month's free sketch/template collection features two-single page designs inspired by her work, but first, I'd like to share a little bit more about Marie.

Meet Marie-Pierre Capistran...

Marie-Pierre is a French-Canadian who lived in Switzerland for 12 years before moving to Connecticut in 2010. Although she’s a French teacher, she’s currently staying home with her two little girls ages 3 and 5. Marie is an artist at heart and has been crafting for years, trying her hand at different crafts like watercolor, paper cutting and calligraphy before she fell in love with memory keeping. Scrapbooking is now her biggest passion alongside photography and writing.  

She is on her second year on the creative team for Get it Scrapped. She has been featured on Shimelle's blog and on the Paperclipping Roundtable and she will soon be guest blogging on Amy Tangerine's blog. She finished 2nd at the "Scrapbooker of the Year 2013" contest organized by Entre Artistes and is currently working on a workshop alongside Céline Navarro

To view larger, click on images above.

You can find Marie on her blog, on Instagram and on Pinterest.

Download the Free Templates...

I first happened on Marie's work a little over a year and a half ago and I have been falling in love with her style ever since.  Marie's scrapbook style combines soft colors and dimension--with just a touch of mixed media.  Marie is also a great photographer and storyteller and each of her pages come straight from her heart.

I'd like to pass along some of the inspiration that I have gleaned from Marie's work in the form of these templates and sketches.  They were inspired by Marie's pages pictured above and I hope you will be as inspired by them as I was creating them!

 Scrap Like Marie-Pierre Capistran (September 2013) 12 x 12 Templates & Sketches

Scrap Like Marie-Pierre Capistran (September 2013) 8.5 x 11 Templates & Sketches

I've been really excited to try out Marie's style in my own pages for quite sometime and here is my first attempt, using Letter Template A.  And though my own style is not nearly as soft as Marie's, I loved that I was able to get so many patterns (plus my photos and journaling) on this page without things looking too chaotic.

Big thanks to Marie for sharing with us today!   

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  1. You have no idea how thrilled I am to hear that you will be offering the 8.5 x 11 size as well as the 12 x 12. I scrap exclusively in the first size and am finding it harder and harder to find any inspiring layouts or templates in that size in scrapbooking blogs. So Thank you so much!!

  2. You're very welcome! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment and let me know that, I'm glad to hear that you'll find them useful. :)

  3. […] Scrap Like Marie-Pierre Capistran Template and Sketch Packs | September 2013 […]

  4. Thanks so much for the templates and inspiration. I will be looking forward to seeing more of these posts and learning from them about different styles.

  5. You are very welcome, I'm glad you find them useful, Teresa :)

  6. Thank you so much! Just found your blog today through QDSF - looking forward to seeing more from and about you!

  7. im a first-time visitor here and i like what i see! great work =)

  8. Thanks so much for the great templates.

  9. Thanks for this great Templates !!!

  10. Thanks so much! Love your templates!!!

  11. Thank you, Marie, for sharing these lovely templates!

  12. Thanks to all of you who found my little blog via QDSF! It was such a treat to read though all of you lovely comments :)


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