The Scrapbooker's Blog Tour

August 25, 2014

I was so excited to find that I had been invited to be a part of The Scrapbooker's Blog Tour, when Betsy Sammarco tagged me on her blog Just a Pharmgirl, last week.

Betsy is someone that I have so much admiration for, both as a person and as a scrapbooker. I have had the opportunity to work with Betsy in a number of different capacities over the years and I'll never stop being inspired by her work or overcome by her generosity!

There is so much to love about Betsy's unique style of scrapbooking as she puts so much thought and detail into each page and she's never afraid to tackle emotional topics or push herself creatively in her page designs.

I thank Betsy for the opportunity to share a little bit about my own scrapbooking with you today...

What am I working on right now?

Right now I'm working on finishing up a few pages in my "in progress tray" on my scrapbooking table.  This page is about my youngest son's sheepish little smile. I just need to print out my photo and my journaling and add a few finishing touches and then I can call this page done.

How long does it take me to create a project?

It can take me anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours to complete a scrapbook page.  Sometimes this depends on whether I'm doing a digital page or a paper page, but most often I'd say my average finish time is roughly the same whether I'm working with paper or digital supplies.  Now clean up...that's a whole other story!

What are my favorite things to create with at the moment?

I'm in love with anything gold right now. And I've always been a sucker for wood veneer pieces, doilies and enamel dots.

How does my writing/creating process work?

My pages often begin in one of two ways, either with a photo or with product.  

When I begin with a photo I will often pull colors directly from my photo and motifs from it's story when choosing my papers and embellishments. 

If I begin with product, then I typically like to work with in a kit (either premade or assembled by myself) and then I search through my backlog of photos to find a picture that is a good fit with the product I'm working with. This approach works well for me because I am not a chronological scrapbooker.


My journaling usually comes last in my process and can range from a name/place and a date, to a few lines, to half a page.  It really just depends on how much I have to say.  Though I will say storytelling has become increasing more important to me as my boys grow older and they have more stories to tell.  

How do I become inspired and stay inspired?

I turn to a number of different sources of inspiration in my scrapbooking including other scrapbookers, classes, as well as the inspiration I find in my everyday life.  As of late I have been really inspired simply by the photos and stories of my family.  Both of my boys are at really fun ages and it feels like there is so much to capture right now!

What is my signature style?

You know I've never been good at pinpointing an exact name or definition for my style. My pages can sometimes seem fairly eclectic as I switch freely between digital and paper scrapbooking and I enjoy learning new techniques, trying out new trends and exploring other styles in my own pages.

However, when it comes down to it I am a fence-jumping 8.5 x 11" scrapper, who loves color, patterns, texture and structured layers.

And now its my turn to share a few of my favorite scrapbookers with you and invite you to visit their blogs on Monday, September 1.

I am tagging:

Marie-Pierre Capistran
Carrie Arick
Christy Strickler

I have been blessed to work with these ladies over the past few years on the Get It Scrapped Creative Team and I'm always so inspired by their work.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you'll join the ladies above next week to find out a little bit more about them and their scrapbooking!

Have a great week!

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